Thursday, March 22, 2012

Google’s Penalty For Link Building

Can you get penalized for building links? The answer is yes.

Some marketers term such penalty as -50 penalty. Some call it -30 penalty. Whatever name you call it, the idea is the same. You are maxed at certain ranking no matter what happen.

To find out if you are slapped with such penalty is simple. Do a Google search for a unique phrase in your webpage and see what is your ranking. Under normal circumstances, you should be on the 1st position, since there is no competition for that unique phrase. But if you are slapped with -50 penalty, you will notice that your website is found on the 51st position.

Such penalty is implemented manually, i.e. someone actually access your website and determine if you should be penalized and how ‘deep’ in the ranking you should be penalized. Google doesn’t go round checking on people’s sites. Usually something must have triggered its alert, so that an investigation is launched.

Let’s be realistic. Who don’t build links? The key here is don’t trigger the manual investigation.

How Not To Trigger Manual Investigation?

Continue reading here

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