Saturday, January 31, 2009


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Related Article : My GDI downline builders

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Using Keywords as Part of Your Internet Marketing Strategy

Whether your internet marketing strategy utilizes websites, blogs, article marketing or press releases correctly using keywords is an absolute must.

Anyone involved in an online business will tell you their marketing efforts are dramatically reduced if they haven't optimized their published content correctly with the right keywords.

Keyword optimization is a very integral component of an effective online marketing strategy.

The proper keyword optimization of content helps anyone searching for information like yours to easily find it. Done correctly and you'll be rewarded with a higher ranking in the search results. The manner in which you use keywords within your content will make or break you in the search engine rankings. A low search engine ranking will make you virtually invisible to anyone searching for content like yours.

Search engines rely heavily on keywords to accurately identify and rank sites found on the internet for people searching for the content that these sites contain. Under or over utilizing keywords will only hurt the ranking of the site giving it a very weak showing in any search results.

There are 3 areas of focus you'll need to be concerned with to correctly utilize keywords within your content. By doing so you'll gain the favor of the search engines and also quite a bit more traffic to your site.

Let's discuss these 3 important areas of keyword optimization below:


Any keywords you select to use should be relevant to the content itself. Search engines are very strict about this and will bury you in the search results if they feel your keyword selection doesn't reflect the content. When people search keywords on the internet they're expecting to find information directly related to the words they are searching on. Search engines for their part want to insure that people using their search engine find what it is they're looking for.


Another factor to be considered when using keywords is the placement of these words within the content itself. For instance it is recommended to use keywords in the title of your content when you can. Even within the title it is better to place the selected word or phrase at the title beginning if at all possible. Again you must remember that these keywords must accurately describe, reflect, or relate to the content within.

Another consideration is to place your primary keyword at the beginning and the end of the body of content you're performing the keyword optimization on. Additional theme keywords should be used conservatively thru out the content when their use makes grammatical sense.


Here's an area where some people may have a tendency to get carried away. In an attempt to gain the attention of search engines some may overuse their selected keywords throughout the content. Keyword 'stuffing' as this is known is frowned upon by search engines as a deliberate attempt to gain higher search rankings. Search engines discourage this by penalizing you with a lower search engine ranking.

Opinions vary on what is the right percentage of keywords to use within the content that will maximize your optimization efforts while avoiding penalties. Generally any keyword usage between 2 and 5 percent of the total body of content is considered safe. A free keyword density tool you can use online to check your content can be found at live-keyword-analysis.

Always remember to use your selected words in a natural way within the body of your content since you're writing for the reader and not the search engine. So before you hit the 'submit' bottom proof-read your work to ensure it reads like a human wrote it and not some cyborg.

Proper keyword placement and utilization is almost always at the core of any successful internet marketing strategy. Thru the correct implementation of this online marketing technique you will increase your search rankings thereby boosting the awareness of your online presence. Whatever your reasons for being online may be, if you're looking to boost your traffic this is one of the most effective and fundamental ways to achieve that!

About the Author: TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina. For additional online success tips and a free guide that demonstrates how to find both profitable markets and products visit:

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Working From Home - Useful Tips to Work From Your Own Home

Many people working from home have turned into very successful and independent entrepreneurs. What worked for them does not necessarily have to work for you, because every one has different strengths and a different method of operating.

A lot of these successful professionals and freelancers working from home will even tell you the secret of their success, but do not despair if it does not seem to work out as well for you as it did for them. Work at home can be really good for you, provided you are dedicated, hard working and put your heart into it.

There are a lot of opportunities but they will all be worthless if you do not turn them into feasible business plans and put them into action. Even though the specifics of the success stories of the business people are different, there are some basic common denominators.

One, they are all passionate about their job and love what they do. Two, they know what their strong points and weak points are and how to play up their strong points while not letting the weak points do too much damage. Three, they have support from those close to them, i.e. friends and family members, in most cases.

Working from home requires a certain persistence that can only come when an element of passion is present for the work at hand. People who are interested in working from home should make a comprehensive list of all that they are passionate about doing, and see if a feasible business opportunity can arise out of that. It may be anything - writing, graphic designing, tattoo art or photography- as long as you love doing it. Finally, when you reach a decision about working from home, choose something that's in the list, something you are very passionate about.
Article Directory:

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Don’t Limit Yourself When You Are Considering Online Opportunities

Story by: Alex Cleanthous

Selling on auction sites, selling eBooks, making money via Google Adwords… all these and more are very popular ways of making money online. But should you automatically go for the same old methods that everyone else is trying?

This is a thorny issue. Many more people arrive online every single day, looking for a way to earn extra money or start a whole new career. But whatever your end goal might be, it’s vital not to limit yourself right from the start. Internet marketing offers a multitude of opportunities to consider. You certainly shouldn’t just go for the first thing you come across.

The one thing that happens a lot online is that someone new will read about a successful marketer and decide they can make lots of money in the same way. But instead of doing their research and finding out all they can about how they did it, they focus on that end result. They focus on the money and the success. But of course, you cannot expect to get there without the knowledge required.

The other sin that many people are guilty of is jumping in too fast. The internet is a huge place, and it is getting bigger by the day. If you dive straight in to the first opportunity you set eyes on, how will you know if it is the best one for you?

Many people also limit themselves by thinking they are only capable of doing certain things. They don’t give themselves a chance to stretch out and explore the world of online marketing in more depth. It’s said that knowledge is power, and there is probably no other place where that is more applicable than the internet.

Why limit yourself by sticking to what other people tell you that you can and can’t do? Explore what’s out there; evaluate all the opportunities you can find and research them before doing anything else. Only then will you be able to make an educated decision about what is best for you.

The internet also gives us the chance to try out new things. It’s not so easy to switch careers in the real job world, but if you want to try your hand as a writer, a photographer, or an affiliate online, you can do so virtually straightaway. Too many people accept the same limitations online as they impose on themselves offline.

That’s not to say you should automatically ignore the old favourites though. Some people are making a full time job out of selling on auction sites, so they are clearly working well. The same goes for selling eBooks; if you have the knowledge people are looking to pay money forScience Articles, then you can capitalise on it without a doubt.

So what is the moral here? Perhaps it should be that limitations are merely walls that you put up for yourself where previously there were none. Bear that in mind when you are thinking about how you can make money online.

Source: Free Articles from

Web Profits specialises in search engine optimization, online marketing & web design, helping businesses generate profits from the Internet. For a free report on 'The Secrets of Online Marketing for Offline Businesses' visit Search Engine Optimization.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Internet Marketing Tips: Increase Page Views And Your Online Income

Four tips to make your website sticky so that your targeted website traffic spends time exploring your website, thus increasing your page views and online income.

Your website will only become successful when you can not only drive targeted website traffic to your website but persuade those visitors to remain on your site long enough to read your message and take action.

The more page views a website receives on a daily basis will often determine the level of success of that online business. If you are using a stat counter or Google Analytics on your website then your Unique Visitors count will increase by one when a visitor lands on your website. If that visitor goes on to view 2 or 4 inner pages of your website then your Page View count will increase by 2 or 4 respectively.

A visitor is only likely to take action if he is encouraged to spend time on your website. By enticing your visitors to visit other pages on your site is a way to make your website sticky and here are four internet marketing tips to increase page views and your online income.

1. Provide well written, unique and relevant content on your site.

Most surfers on the internet are searching for relevant, unique, high quality information. By providing them with the information they are looking for, will encourage them to explore your site further, take action there and then, or bookmark and revisit your site again. The search engines love unique content and this will help your site rank higher in the search engine results, thus attracting more visitors and increasing your page views resulting in more online income for you.

2. Your website copy should be simple and easy to read

Keep your website copy short, simple and easily readable by keeping the information concise and your paragraphs short. As many visitors have little time nowadays this will make it easier for them to scan the page and pick out exactly what they are looking for. They will not wade through long paragraphs padded with uninteresting information. If the style and content are good then they will usually read on to find what they are looking for.

3. Lay your information out with correct formatting and highlighting

A dull boring website with screeds of difficult to understand text will not encourage surfers to linger. Pay attention to the appearance and style of your website.

Highlight call to action points and areas of importance including keyword phrases. Don't cram all your information together and make use of white space as this makes it easier for a visitor to scan your page thus making your website sticky.

You can further increase page views by linking in your text to other pages of your site using words such as "click here for more info", "find out more"Free Articles, "read more testimonials here" and so on.

4. Add a site map and place article teasers on your main web page.

A sitemap not only helps the search engine robots navigate your website but also provides a quick and easy way for your visitors to find the information they are looking for.

You can also encourage click-throughs to other pages of your website by adding a teaser or excerpts from other pages on your site on your main web page.

These four internet marketing tips are ways that you can encourage your targeted website visitors to linger longer on your website and increase page views resulting in more online income.

Source: Free Articles from

Cynthia Minnaar generates online income full-time from home. She invites you to visit her site for more internet marketing tips.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Now Anyone Can Get Free Advertising

As you know some of the best ways to get traffic to your site is through the search engines. And as you know search engines love blogs.

If you know how to use blogs you can easily get more traffic to your website just by posting your keywords in the title and having your blogs indexed.

Other ways to get traffic to your site is to use popular free traffic exchanges. They come in many forms such as start (homepage) exchanges, safelists (opt in email ads), toolbar ads such as and forums such as the free advertising forum.

If you are looking to kill 2 birds with one stone, you can advertise for free on a new BLOG that actually allows you to place your ads for free on their site.

The reason this is good because you get all the benefits of placing your ads on a BLOG and you all get to advertise for free.

Most people would look at this as a no brainer. Although most webmaster do not like people to advertise on the blogs, this site was made just for that.

It is free to join and thousands are flocking to this service to drive huge traffic to their sites in ju8st days by simply posting one little ad on their home page.

Anyone looking to increase their profits should look in to here