Can you get penalized for building links? The answer is yes.
Some marketers term such penalty as -50 penalty. Some call it -30 penalty. Whatever name you call it, the idea is the same. You are maxed at certain ranking no matter what happen.
To find out if you are slapped with such penalty is simple. Do a Google search for a unique phrase in your webpage and see what is your ranking. Under normal circumstances, you should be on the 1st position, since there is no competition for that unique phrase. But if you are slapped with -50 penalty, you will notice that your website is found on the 51st position.
Such penalty is implemented manually, i.e. someone actually access your website and determine if you should be penalized and how ‘deep’ in the ranking you should be penalized. Google doesn’t go round checking on people’s sites. Usually something must have triggered its alert, so that an investigation is launched.
Let’s be realistic. Who don’t build links? The key here is don’t trigger the manual investigation.
How Not To Trigger Manual Investigation?
Continue reading here
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Google’s Penalty For Link Building
Posted by
7:03 PM
Friday, February 25, 2011
Top 5 Mistakes made by Online Marketers. Don't make these mistakes and sabotage your promotional efforts
Story by : Sandi Hunter
Today I am tackling one of the BIGGEST problems faced by new online marketers. The problem is this, the inability to market effectively. This causes so many marketers incredible frustration! The result, they throw up their hands in despair and quit long before they see any results.
This is what I hear from people day after day in my role as an online Home Business Consultant. "I am posting, and promoting but not getting any leads or sales! Help me!" If this is you, keep reading, I am going to tell you what you need to know about marketing.
It is true that you can be promoting every day but if you are making one or all of the 5 common mistakes I've outlined here, you won't get the results you want. Take note, this is important stuff if you are really serious about making money online.
1. The first mistake made by new online marketers is this:
Not knowing WHAT to market.
I talk to people daily, nice people who want to sell something online and earn some extra money. They sign up or this and for that, they get Affiliate Memberships all over the web hoping to get better results by being involved in everything they can get their hands on. There intentions are good, they are motivated but they stumble right off the bat by not knowing what to market.
Here's a quick guide for you on WHAT to Market: -Pick products to market that are DIGITAL. Digital products are those that can be bought and sold instantly online. You get your commission sooner, the buyer gets their product instantly! It's no-fuss no-muss and the best way to start your web marketing experience and see some results. -In most cases there is no cost to be a product Reseller or Affiliate - hurray! -Pick Reseller products from a reputable long-standing company that specializes in helping vendors connect with affiliates to sell products online -Pick products or affiliate programs that provide advertising copy, banners, and sales aids along with referral links so you can easily promote the products -Pick products that catch YOUR EYE! Newest releases, products with catchy names, trendy topics, those with positive buyer feedback, and return guarantees are best! -Look for Joint Venture releases so you can be one of the first to promote the products when first released for sale Finally, FOCUS! Keep your eye on the prize - profits - don't spread yourself too thin. Narrow your efforts to a few products and put 100% effort into your campaign.
2. The second most common mistake made by new online marketers is this:
Not knowing HOW to market.
I am always surprised at the answer people give me when I ask how they are marketing online. They look at me perhaps thinking what a ridiculous question that is! They tell me they are sending out their website address. When I look at their website I see a site that is oh so boring! It reads like a brochure with company history, and a few pages of fluffy copy. Yes, of course it is important to promote your website address BUT if you wish to capture leads you must do this - get the prospects contact information!
Getting the contact information from a prospect is often very difficult to do with a standard corporate site. The answer to this problem is to create what are called LANDING pages, or Squeeze pages. These are single page sites that have one purpose and one purpose only - get you a LEAD - and better yet lead to a sale! Some companies provide Landing Pages for you when you become a Reseller for their products. Landing pages help you build your marketing list. Every person may not be a buyer today, but on your mailing list they may enjoy future products you offer. Offering an option to join your mailing directly on your Landing Page gives people 100% control over opting in to your mailing list or not. You build your list while ensuring that people have voluntarily joined your mailing list.
Here's a quick guide to creating responsive landing pages:
-They should be FAST Loading! Skip any animation, video or annoying distraction that just makes people click OFF! -Use images that are colorful, directive, and related to the theme of your product -Your copy MUST be short, punchy, laden with benefits - speak directly to the reader -Your copy should tell readers what they get if they ACT now! Limit the offer, even better! -Capture the contact information of the reader so you can deliver what they asked for -The more goodies, freebies, offers, and cool stuff you can give people the BETTER the response! -Always include an option for people to join your mailing list and give them GREAT reasons to want to do so!
Unlike a website, a landing page should be EXCITING, BENEFIT-LADEN and accomplish this:
Look reader! You get this! Do this to get it! Do it NOW and also get this BONUS!
3. Here is the third most common mistake I see new marketers making:
Marketing is NOT simple but if you know what you are doing it can be. The key is to find the sites, the niches where you can target your market. Market to the right people instead of the masses with solid products and you will get instantly better results.
Here's a quick guide to knowing WHERE to market:
-Do a Google search to find sites related to what you are promoting, then target those sites for your marketing campaigns -Use every available niche market you can find and post there, this includes Forums, Classified Ad Sites, Banner Exchanges, Twitter and Social Networking and Bookmarking sites. -Do not discount FREE and low cost advertising options like Safelists, and Traffic Exchanges. These are excellent ways to target a specific market -You do NOT have to spend ridiculous amounts of money on advertising. Find the sites where your target market exists, then place low cost ads including safelist posts, banners, and classified ads. Don't even think about buying pay-per-click ads at sites like Google unless you have deep pockets and know what you are doing. -Learn what backlinks are and why they are SO VERY important to generating traffic and achieving better search engine indexing for your site, products or business. -If any of the terms above are foreign to you, you have some homework to do, I have included some resources below.
4. Are you ready for the fourth and perhaps most fatal mistake made by new online marketers?
Not knowing how to TRACK your promotional campaigns
If you are going to spend time and money to promote a product or service you MUST, you absolutely MUST know where you are getting your results. Ad Tracking is a 100% requirement! If you are not tracking your ads, and the clicks you get and from where, you are promoting blindly. What happens when you don't watch what you are doing? You can fall in a hole! Online this can be a hole where you fall in and throw your money into wasted ad campaigns. I've seen more people allow paid advertising to eat up their entire budget than I want to think about. Smart marketers that get results know exactly the ad campaigns that get results, and the sources they came from.
Get an Ad Tracker Tool. Some advertising sites provide you with data on number of clicks to your ads, or impressions. This is important, just be sure you understand what those terms mean. A click is usually far more powerful for you then a "view". You want ACTIVE respondents, real people actually clicking on your ad to see it. This is much different than an "exposure" or a "view" with the latter being considered passive and very weak marketing, often provided free. For best results you will ALWAYS get better results from paid advertising than from free advertising but don't discount free promotion, it is a good way to earn advertising credits if you have a small advertising budget. If you buy advertising be SURE you get some kind of way to validate the promotion, the click rate, and actual IP addresses of unique respondents to ensure the hits are legitimate and not computer generated. Make sure your respondents will be geographically specific too, from countries that you wish to target. For example, Canada or the USA. If you have your own domain you are fortunate, as you can benefit from an Ad Tracking tool that tracks all your promotional activities and traced to your website domain address.
5. The fifth common mistake I see online marketers making is very straight-forward.
Not being realistic or giving it enough consistent time and effort to see results.
I know we live in an instant gratification world but if you are new to online marketing you will need to be more realistic. Promotion takes a lot of CONSISTENT effort using a number of strategies at a number or web sites. By tracking your ads you can see instantly where your efforts are being productive. Be prepared to try various copy, be cognizant that some products will sell better than others, some advertising resources will deliver better than others. Vary your offers, change up your products as needed, update landing pages, post to a number of sites and track the results. Take some time to learn about some of the terms used in this article. Be honest with yourself about what you are doing. Are you serious about earning money online or are you doing this as a hobby? Your level of hunger and ambition to succeed will be your motivator. The good news is that once you have built your mailing list, and found niche sites and advertising resources that work, your job to promote gets easier but NEVER goes away.
Sandi Hunter is the Director of Website Development at Worldprofit Inc., a company specializing in hosting, online tools, training, ad tracking, and marketing resources for small and home business. Established modestly in 1994 off a kitchen table, today Worldprofit is known as the Home Business Experts and the number one resource for all things related to home business.
Republished with author's permission.
Posted by
7:39 PM
Labels: Make money online, online marketers
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
How To Earn Money With GetBuxToday
Because of I am one of the 5000 early birds, as promised I received my GetBuxToday platinum membership for 30 days from Brian Rooney, the founder of TrafficWave.
GetBuxoday was launched on 13-2-2011 and Over 10,000 members joined this PTC program in the first 4 days.
Brian will make the GetBuxToday World Rock! When I am posting this article here, there are 28,152 people registered with GetBuxToday.
I Can Show You How To Earn Money TODAY if you Follow this Paid To Click Strategy.
Let have a look here..Upgrading allows you to earn more from your clicks and of the clicks of your referrals.
Privilege Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
Pay rates
Pay per click $0.0100 $0.0100 $0.0125 $0.0150
Pay per referral click $0.0025 $0.0075 $0.0100 $0.0150
Commission on signups $0 $0 $0 $0
Commission on upgrades $0 + 0% $0 + 2% $0 + 5% $0 + 10%
Commission on add funds $0 + 0% $0 + 0% $0 + 0% $0 + 0%
Referral related
Earn from non-upgraded direct referrals
Daily surfing required
Max. direct referrals 100 300 700 100,000
Delete direct referral $0.1000 $0.0800 $0.0600 $0.0400
Renting referrals $1.0000 $1.0000 $1.0000 $1.0000
Extending referrals $1.0000 $1.0000 $1.0000 $1.0000
Recycling referrals $0.5000 $0.5000 $0.5000 $0.5000
Delete rented referral $0.1000 $0.0800 $0.0600 $0.0400
Max. rented referrals 20 45 100 200
Interval referral rents 10 days 7 days 5 days 3 days
Max. referral rent package20 45 100 200
Our goal
To have as many referrals as possible (and make money)
(Never do more than your budget allows...ever)
We can have referrals 2 ways:
1. we sponsor new members
2. we rent referrals.
1 rented referral for 30 days costs $1 for Platinum members.
Is it worth the money?
Example below based on Platinum membership:
You rent 20 referrals for $20.
Let’s say only half of them will click their 10 ads per day.
That’s 10x10 ads = 100 ads and they will earn you 100x1.5 cent = 150cent = $1.50
That’s just for one day.
For 30 days they will earn you 30x$1.50 = $45 and you paid only $20 for them.
$25 profit for you. For just $20 of rented referrals.
Of course the more referrals you rent the bigger will be your profit.
But you need to think on the following 3 things:
1. Make sure you keep your Platinum membership for the next month too and so on…
2. The rented referrals for 30 days, make sure you only extend the membership for those who are active (who earn more money for you than they cost)
3. Click your ads every day and stay in your budget.
Here are 3 plans on how to earn the most in your PTC programs:
1. Zero Investment Plan
2. Optimal Plan
3.Accelerated Plan (anything between the first 2 plans)
1. Zero Investment Plan: (this is very slow but there is zero risk)
You click all your ads every day. You have 10 ads daily, so you earn 10 cents every day. In 10 days you’ll have $1. Money invested $0 cash out $1.
Now you have $1 should you rent a referral? As a bronze member you get .0025 per ref click, that is 2.5 cents per 10 clicks, max they can earn you is .75 cents per month.
Answer is no, never rent ref's as a bronze member.
Amount refferals can earn you:
(based on 30 day month)
Bronze: 2.5 cents a day = .75 cents per month
Silver: 7.5 cents a day = $2.25 per month
Gold: 10 cents a day = $3 per month
Platinum: 15 cents a day = $4.50 per month
If you have $0 budget get your clicks every day, try to get direct referrals as those are free and will help you. When you have earned enough to upgrade,do it, the higher the upgrade the better for obvious reasons.
The main characteristics you need to have to follow this plan:
2. Optimal Plan: This is the fastest. You need $20-$100+ to start with.
The basis in this plan is that you click all your ads every day and start at Platinum.
At the beginning rent 10-20 referrals. Then your earning will grow faster. You can save part of your earnings to keep your upgrade at platinum if you went monthly, the rest you can cash out or rent more referralsor do a combo of both.
The best choice is to upgrade to Platinum is for 1 whole Year for $85. For 6 months it costs $45, for 3 months $25 and for 1 month only $10.
There is some risk involved, if none of your rented referrals click then it is a wasted investment, what you want is at least 50% of your rentals to click.
3. This plan is just a mixture of the first 2: if you can’t afford to invest $20-$100+ you can start with just $10, or even with less.
Take the Platinum upgrade or whichever is in your budget. Rent referrals as you can and re-rent the active ones.
The best way is to adapt the guide to your own style and budget, if you are good at getting sign ups you may not need to rent referrals at all.
*It is important to note that rented referrals may or may not click, you can recycle a lame rented referral but the replacement may not click either so keep that in mind before going nuts with rentals, as always stay in your budget and getting direct referrals will speed you along at zero cost to you.
Even without personal referrals I hope you can see the opportunity to build up a nice monthly income if you are ready to invest time and/or a few bucks to start with and you follow these rules:
1. Click ALL Your Ads Every Day.
2. Upgrade to any paid membership as soon as possible.
3. Try for direct sign ups, Rent some if needed
4. Re-rent any active rented referrals before their time expires.
5. Stay in your budget and stay consistent and focused.
You will love it.Join Here and We can all Click and Get Paid
Posted by
9:28 PM
Labels: Brian Rooney, Founder of TrafficWave, GetBuxToday, PTC program
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The Owner of TrafficWave launches GetBuxToday
A new PTC site GetBuxToday is going BIG!
Brian Rooney of TRAFFICWAVE will make the PTC (Paid To Click) World Rock!
Why Join NOW?
Brian offering 30 day Platinum membership for F'REE for the first 5000 members.
NOTE: Once you join they will manually upgrade you to Platinum!
Why is it so important?
Because PTC sites can be very lucrative for the first ones in...
Why do you need a System?
Because in PTC you can Earn many ways:
1: Click your Ads everyday
2: Refer Others and Earn from their Clicks every day
3: Rent Referrals and Earn from their Clicks every day << THE PTC SYSTEM!!
IF you cannot make money online for free with this then you are missing out big time!
Join here 100% free now - get upgraded to Platinum 100% Free for the next 30 days!
Brian Rooney has extended another 5000 members due to it's popular in demand.
When I write here it has recorded 8000 plus members.
Do Not Miss Out!
Click here to get it Now
I received my platinum membership today and I’m looking forward Together we can all Click and Get Paid!
Posted by
12:58 AM
Labels: Brian Rooney, GetBuxToday, trafficwave